Bless them, they did make some, but I think they have now given up, with everything that`s going on at the moment, they`ve got other things to do.
So I found a great santa digistamp from digi stamp boutique he was a lot of fun colouring him in and have managed to do 20 of these so far, only another 60 to do. I was told this morning, just before leaving for school that christmas fairys were also needed for some of the girls. So now i`m on the hunt quickly for the fairy.
Anyway, i`m not sure if I will be doing any more challenges until the new year, which is a shame, as I wanted to try the cards for men challenge that they have just started amonst some of the others, but never mind.
Bye Bye for now.
Oh they are just right for little ones, fun and colourful. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx